Saturday, November 20, 2010

Al-hayat Al-dunnya(the life of this world)

This is the story "who ate the third load of the bread?"
              Once upon the time,Jesus(pbuh) gave some money to one of his companions to go to the town to get some food for everybody. And the man took the money and went into the town close by and bought the food.

            There wasnt very much money and he was able to buy only 3 loaves of Bread and he was very very hungry and he realised that there were only these 3 loaves of bread and he decided to eat 1 loaf himself.

             And when he got back,he decided to handed the bread over to Jesus(pbuh) who asked him who ate the third loaf of the bread? and immeadiately the man said there is only 2 loaves of bread.

            The Jesus (pbuh) didnt say anything else but they continued their journey with his companions.

            Later on, the companions succeded hunting a deer and they killed it and they were cooking and eating from the deer. Jesus(pbuh) stood up and asked Allah to bring back the deer to life. Not in a second,the deer jump back up to life and run away. And the people were amazed how this deer that they killed it,cooked it and ate it jumped back up and run away.

            And the Jesus(pbuh) looked at the man who had gone after the bread and said " Im asking u by the ONE who brought this deer back to life, who ate the third loaf of the bread?"

            And the man immediately asnwered him" There were only 2 loaves of bread".

            Jesus(pbuh) didnt saya anything they again they continued their journey.

            Then,they came across with the river that have been flooded up and Jesus asked his companions to hold his hand and everybody joined hands and they were able to walk across the top of the river and walked all  the way to the other side. And when they got to other side,the people were amazed how could this be.

            Jesus (pbuh) asked the same man again and said "Im asking u by the ONE who made us be able to cross this river on top of  it, who ate the third loaf of bread?"

           And the man immediately said " There were only 2 loaves of bread".

           Again Jesus didnt say anything and they went on.

           Then,they came into a desert and Jesus(pbuh) took 3 piles of sand and he asked Allah to change these into gold. And this man was wathing this and immediately these 3 piles of sand became piles of gold.

           Jesus(pbuh) said " One pile is for me, and one pile is for u and the third pile will be for the one who ate the third loaf of bread"

          And the man quickly said that "Im the one who ate the  third loaf of the bread" and Jesus(pbuh) told him "all three piles of gold are for u but do not accompanying us anymore".
           But the man didnt care and he was very happy and sat down in front of his new fortune and he started dreaming what he's going to do with all these gold and was smiling all alone looking at his wealth.

           Suddenly 3 thieves came upon him and they saw a man setting alone with a huge treasure of gold.

           First thing they did was killing him and they divided the golds to each one of them took one of the big pile of the gold.

           Then,they sent one of them to get some food, so they could eat and plan up their future. So, one the thieve went to the town to buy food and he didnt take the other one of loaf like the other guy instead he decided to POISON the food, so that when he goes back the people who eat the food will die and he share all 3 golds himself.

            And this what he did but his friends who left behind were also plotting against him and they decided when this man come back they will jump him from 2 sides and kill him and divided his share of gold among themselves. They killed the man when he got back and they sat down to enjoy the meal and they ate the POISON food. In a few minutes later, they were all died and were laying there.

When the Jesus(pbuh) came back with his companions and passing by the very same spot,they saw their former companion was lying on the ground and the other 3 thieves laying there too. All of them DEATH.

Jesus (pbuh) then said:
 " This is the life of this world and it is called
 Al-hayat  Al-dunnya, and this what it would do for those who seek after it".


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